
Friday, February 4, 2011

Chunky Guacamole

I really don't like avocados, but I love me some guacamole. So when my mom came to visit me last weekend, she bought a couple avocados and then left them here. We decided to use them for some chunky guacamole. It also fit the theme of Superbowl Weekend and all the yummy appetizers I love to make! Although, while I was making the guacamole, I realized I didn't have any fresh cilantro, but I still had some of my Cilantro-Jalapeno Pesto-Mayo. I figured it's creamy, and it has cilantro, jalapeno, and lime in it, so it couldn't be that bad in the guacamole, right? It turned out just as good as if I used fresh, chopped cilantro. So feel free to substitute the mayo with some fresh cilantro, and just add as much as you like. I hope you enjoy!
Chunky Guacamole 
For the Guacamole:
2 Avocados, Cut into Cubes
1C Sweet Onion, Chopped
2 Tomatoes, Cored & Diced
2T Garlic, Chopped
10 Dashes Hot Sauce
¼t Cumin
1t Salt
½t Garlic Powder
½ Lime, Zest & Juice
1T Cilantro-Jalapeno Pesto-Mayo

1. First, you need to cut the avocados in half and cut them into to small cubes (this will make mashing easier). Place the cubes into a bowl and mash with a fork, but leaving it somewhat chunky because it will smooth out once you add other ingredients and mix.
2. Core and de-seed the tomatoes, so there is no excess moisture or tomato juice. Cut the tomatoes into a small dice. Add the tomatoes to the avocados. Next, add the rest of the ingredients and mix until well incorporated, but chunky.
3.Serve immediately with tortilla chips!

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