
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Breakfast Pizza

We were starving this morning, and I mean starvin'. So we made some Breakfast Pizza. The nice thing about Breakfast Pizza is that you can really top it with anything you like. I decided to top ours with scrambled eggs, runny eggs, bacon, cheese, and fresh herbs. So if you want to make this, you can customize it with all your favorite things, maybe some sausage or some spinach... the possibilities are endless! Enjoy :)
Breakfast Pizza
For the Pizza:
1 Pizza Dough
3T Pesto
6 Slices of Bacon, Cooked & Chopped Roughly
2 Eggs, Scrambled
3 Eggs
1T Fresh Parsley, Chopped
3T Chives, Chopped
3T Green Onion, Chopped
2C Mozzarella, Shredded
¼C Parmesan, Grated
Salt & Pepper, To Taste

1. Preheat the oven to 500.
2. Stretch the pizza dough thinly on your pizza pan.
3. Spread the pesto in an even layer over your pizza. Then top with the two scrambled eggs, mozzarella cheese, chopped bacon, and Parmesan cheese.
4. Crack the three eggs on top of all of the ingredients, and then lightly salt & pepper them.
5. Cook the pizza for 8-10 minutes or until the egg whites are cooked, but the egg yolks are still runny. Once the pizza is cooked, top it with the parsley, chives, and green onions.
6. Serve immediately! 

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