
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Easy Chocolate Mousse

When you are cooking an elaborate dinner for date night, the last thing you want to be worrying about is something baking in the oven... and possibly burning. I've been there, it's really heartbreaking. So this is the perfect dessert that you make that morning or afternoon, and just let it chill in the refrigerator until it is firm. And even better, you make this mousse in a blender, yep... a blender. Uh-may-zing. This Easy Chocolate Mousse is really rich and has the best chocolate-coffee flavor. You definitely need to serve this with a bunch of whipped cream because ya just have'tah. I hope you will be making this yummy dessert for your honey soon (or make it for yourself, and hate yourself later)!! Enjoy :)
Easy Chocolate Mousse
For the Chocolate Mousse:
1C Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 Egg
2T Sugar
2T Kahlua
Dash of Vanilla
Pinch of Salt
2/3C Milk
Whipped Cream, For Garnishing

1. Heat the milk in a saucepan until hot, but not boiling.
2. Meanwhile, toss together the chocolate chips, egg, sugar, Kahlua, vanilla, and salt in a bowl until completely mixed. Put this mixture into a blender. Once the milk is hot, stream the hot milk into the blender, and blend the chocolate mixture until a smooth, melted chocolate is formed. Once smooth, pour the chocolate into ramekins and chill for 1-4 hours.
3. Serve with whipped cream. 

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