
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Over-the-Top Brunch Burger on Homemade Bourbon-Maple Glazed Doughnuts

To go along with those Bloody-Good Bloody Mary's, we enjoyed these Over-the-Top Brunch Burgers. What makes it over the top you ask? Well, it has all the traditional brunch components like sausage patty, fried egg, and crispy bacon, but it's all served on a sweet doughnut. I know, I know... it sounds crazy, maybe even gross, but it isn't really. It honestly tastes like a gourmet version of Mcdonald's McGriddle. When people make this burger, they typically use a glazed Krispy Kreme as the bun, but I knew that I had to make my own light & fluffy doughnut. I whipped up a traditional yeast dough, and then glazed them with a delicious bourbon-maple glaze. This meal was definitely a great way to start off 2012 and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us!! Enjoy :)
Over-the-Top Brunch Burger on Homemade Bourbon-Maple Glazed Doughnuts 

Bourbon-Maple Glazed Doughnut, Sausage Patty, Fried Egg, & Crispy Bacon
For the Homemade Doughnuts:
1C + 2T Whole Milk, Warm
¼C Sugar
1 Package of Active Dry Yeast
2 Whole Large eggs, Beaten
1 Stick + 2T Unsalted Butter, Browned & Cooled
4C AP Flour
¼t Salt
1Q Canola, For Frying
Prepared Bourbon-Maple Glaze

For the Bourbon-Maple Syrup:
1C Pure Maple Syrup (good quality & high grade)
½C Bourbon

For the Bourbon-Maple Glaze:
1lb Confectioners’ Sugar, Sifted
½t Salt
½t Vanilla
¾ Stick of Unsalted Butter, Melted (or you can use bacon fat)
¾C Homemade Bourbon Maple Syrup
Milk, For Thinning (if it seems too thick)

For the Brunch Burger:
Homemade Bourbon-Maple Glazed Doughnuts, Sliced in Half & Browned in Bacon Grease
Spicy Breakfast Sausage Patties, Cooked
6-8 Slices of Thick Cut Bacon, Cook until Crispy (save the bacon grease)
Fried Eggs (or any egg cooked to your preference)

1. To Make the Dough: Make sure the milk is nice and warm, but not overly hot. Add sugar to milk. Stir to dissolve. Add yeast into a small bowl. Pour milk/sugar mixture over yeast. Stir gently, and then let it sit for 10 minutes. Melt butter in a separate bowl. Stir to finish melting, and then let butter cool so it won’t be overly hot when adding it to the eggs. Add beaten eggs to the melted butter, stirring constantly to make sure the butter’s not too hot for the eggs. Add the egg/butter mixture to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook. With the mixer on medium-low speed, pour in the yeast mixture. Allow the dough hook to stir this mixture for a couple of minutes, making sure it’s thoroughly combine. With the mixer still going, add ½C increments of the flour until it is all gone. Stop the mixer, scrape the bowl, and then turn the mixer on the same speed for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, stop the mixer and scrape the bottom of the mixer. Turn on the mixer for 30 seconds. Turn off the mixer off and let the dough sit, undisturbed, for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl. Toss the dough to coat, then cover with plastic wrap and place straight in the fridge. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours, or overnight.
2. To Make the Doughnuts: Remove the bowl from the fridge and turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface. Roll out to ¼inch thickness. Using a 3inch cutter, cut as many rounds as you can, then roll out the remaining dough and once again cut as many as you can (repeat until you can’t anymore). Cut holes out of each round using a 1-½inch cutter. Cover with a large tea towel and place in a warm place in your kitchen. Allow the doughnuts to rise undisturbed for at least one hour. They should be visibly puffier and appear to be airy.
3. To Fry the Doughnuts: Heat the canola oil in your deep fryer to 375 degrees. One to two doughnuts at a time gently grab the doughnuts and ease them into the hot oil. Allow them to cook 1 minute on each side; they will brown very quickly. Remove the doughnut from the oil with a slotted spoon, allowing all the oil to drip off. Place the doughnut immediately on paper towels, for about 5 seconds, and then flip it. Allow the doughnuts to cool slightly.
4. To Make the Bourbon-Maple Syrup: Heat the maple syrup over low heat in a medium saucepan. Add the bourbon and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the bourbon infuses the syrup and it thickens slightly. Set it aside while you make the glaze.
5. To Make the Bourbon-Maple Glaze: Place the sifted confectioners’ sugar and salt in a bowl and beat in the melted butter along with vanilla. Slowly mix in the bourbon-maple syrup. Once all of the ingredients are incorporated, briefly beat over high speed to remove any lumps. Immediately glaze the doughnuts, by dipping each doughnut into the glaze until submerged. Remove from the glaze, and then turn right side up on a cooling rack over a cookie sheet (to catch extra glaze). Let the glaze harden completely before assembling the burger.
6. Assembling the Over-the-Top Brunch Burger: Once the glaze has set and the doughnuts are cool, gently slice them in half. In the same pan that you have fried the bacon, heat the leftover grease over medium-high heat. Once it is hot enough, fry the unglazed or insides of the doughnut in the bacon grease for a 1-2 minutes or until golden brown & crispy. Now, to assemble the burgers, top one of the fried doughnut halves with a cooked sausage patty, slices of bacon, and then the fried egg. Finish it off with another fried doughnut half.
7. Serve warm and enjoy!

*Please check out Sweets for a Saturday for this recipe, as well as many others!!

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