
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Soup Sunday: Truffled French Onion Soup

I have never loved French Onion Soup. I'm not quite sure why though. I really like all of the ingredients that go into it. But, I though perhaps it was because I had never had it homemade before... and I was right. French Onion Soup is da-bomb. The caramelized onions, rich beef broth, thick bread, and ooey gooey-melty-delicious cheese topping are all just amazing. I took a classic recipe and pretty much kept it the same, however, I doubled the amount of caramelized onions and added truffle to it. What's not to love about truffles? Nothin'. So, there's some truffle butter, truffle oil, & bread slices fried in more truffle oil (for the topping). The soup was super easy and so delicious that we slurped it all up!! Enjoy :)

Truffled French Onion Soup
For the Soup:
3lbs Yellow Onions, Thinly Sliced
6T Truffle Butter
2T Truffle Oil
2t Salt
½t Sugar
3T AP Flour
2Q Beef Stock
½C Dry White Wine
Salt & Pepper, To Taste

For the Cheesy Bread Topping:
Thick Crusty Bread, Grilled or Fried in Truffle Oil
Gruyere Cheese, Grated  
Parmesan Cheese, Grated
Fresh Minced Parsley, For Garnishing

1. Cook the onions slowly with the butter and oil in the covered saucepan for 15 minutes. Uncover, raise the heat to medium, and stir in the salt and sugar. Cook for 60-90 minutes, stirring frequently, until the onions have turned an even, deep, golden brown.
2. Sprinkle in the flour and stir for 3 minutes. Take the pot off the heat, and blend in the beef stock and white wine. Simmer partially covered for 30-45 minutes or more. Season with the salt & pepper.
3. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Pour the soup into bowls and top with a slice of truffle bread and a handful of grated gruyere cheese and parmesan. Place the soup on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted and brown.
4. Garnish with parsley and enjoy with the soup is hot.

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