
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cookies n' Cream Cake Batter Blondies

Heyyyy y'all!! I hope everyone is having a great week. I know I will be soon because it's my Spring Break, and I have a bunch of friends coming into town on Thursday to celebrate St. Patty's Day in Savannah for the weekend :) I'm so excited... St. Patty's is huge here, like really huge. Last year I had such a blast, and I'm hoping that this time it'll be even better! Anyway because it's my break & all, I will be taking a break from posting, so this will be my last post until Monday or so. For today, I'm putting up my Cookies n' Cream Cake Batter Blondies. I found the recipe for Cake Batter Blondies from girl meets life, the most adorable blog ever. I'm so jealous of her life in New York... I wanna move there. Well, she makes these blondies all the time and raves about them, so I saved the recipe on my computer for a rainy day. Well, I was at the grocery store the other day, and I saw the new Birthday Cake Oreos. I was in shock, and I had to get them. I can't think of anything better. That's when I decided to make those cake batter blondies, but with some Birthday Cake Oreos added in. Double the birthday cake batter flavor... double the fun. These blondies are super easy to make, and you can use the boxed cake mix. I usually am the type of person that likes to make everything from scratch, but sometimes you just want a recipe that doesn't require a lot of energy, yet still yields a yummy dessert!! I hope you enjoy :)
Cookies n' Cream Cake Batter Blondies
For the Blondies:
1 Box of Yellow Cake Mix
¼C Vegetable Oil
1 Egg, Beaten
½C Milk
½C Rainbow Sprinkles
½C White Chocolate Chips
¾-1C Birthday Cake Oreos, Roughly Chopped

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine the cake mix and sprinkles in a large bowl, and then mix in the oil and the egg. Add the milk slowly just until the batter is combined. Fold in the white chocolate chips and chopped Birthday Cake Oreos, and mix until incorporated.
3. Place the batter into a small, greased pan. Bake for 20-30 minutes or just until the edges turn golden. Let them cool for 15-20 minutes before cutting because the center is gooey and it needs to set.
4. Cut into squares and enjoy!


  1. These look yummy. Just found your blog its so fun.. Come and check out my blog

    Have a great day

  2. Thanks for stopping by, I'll definitely head on over and check your blog out as well!

