
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Funfetti Birthday Cake Batter Pancakes with Vanilla Glaze

Happy Birthday to my Mountain Man :) I love that our birthdays are so close because we get to celebrate them together. He's officially an old man... he's turning the big 25 today. Geeze, they just grow up so fast. It's depressing honestly. Anyway, I always make him a big birthday dinner and a delicious cake, but this year, I decided to wake up a little earlier than him, and whip up some birthday cake batter pancakes. I made them extra-festive by adding lots of sprinkles, mini m&m's, and different colored dyes for a tie-dye effect. These rainbow pancakes are then drizzled with a simple vanilla glaze and garnished with even more sprinkles. I can't think of a better way to be woken up in the morning... I mean, getting dessert for breakfast in bed? Perfection. This might have to turn into a birthday tradition. They are just too cute. I'll post the other recipes from this dinner in the next few days!! Enjoy :)
Funfetti Birthday Cake Batter Pancakes with Vanilla Glaze
Lots of Sprinkles... 
So many pancakes :)
For the Pancakes:
1 ½C AP Flour
2/3C Cake Mix
1T Sugar
¾t Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
2 Eggs
1t Vanilla
1 ½C Milk
Sprinkles & Mini M&M’s

For the Vanilla Glaze:
1C Powdered Sugar
½-1T Milk
½t Vanilla
Sprinkles, For Garnishing

1. For the Pancakes: Combine the flour, cake mix, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a bowl and mix. Add the milk, egg, and vanilla and stir until smooth. Preheat a skillet on medium heat. Fold in the desired amount of sprinkles and mini M&M’s into the batter. Pour the batter in ¼C measurements onto a skillet and let it cook until bubbles form on top, about 2-3 minutes. Flip the pancakes and cook for another minute.
2. For the Glaze: Mix the milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar until a thick glaze forms. You may need a little more sugar or milk to reach the desired consistency. Drizzle the glaze over the pancakes and garnish with more sprinkles.

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