
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes with Whipped Rainbow Chip Buttercream

This is an early celebration for my birthday tomorrow. I can't believe I'm going to be another year older. So dreadful. I don't really have much planned besides shopping, dinner, and birthday cake. I almost always have a red velvet cake because that's my favorite kind, but this year I opted for something a little different and got a Tiramisu Cake from a local bakery. Anyway, I typically don't make cupcakes, but I decided to whip up a batch of Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes with Whipped Rainbow Chip Buttercream. I had made a birthday cake last year with homemade rainbow chips, and it was awesome. If you want to make them, refer to this recipe. And, let's be honest, the best part is the frosting... I'm kind of a "1:1 cake to buttercream ratio" girl. So, feel free to do less frosting if you like. But, I don't think you will want to because this frosting is like buttercream on steriods. It's deliciously fluffy like whipped cream, but got body to it like a buttercream. I guarantee that you won't regret the heavy helpin's. These would be awesome for a birthday party!! Enjoy :)

Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes with Whipped Rainbow Chip Buttercream

So many sprinkles :)
For the Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes:
½C Butter
1C Sugar
2 Large Eggs
1T Vanilla
1 ½C AP Flour
1t Baking Powder
1/3C Milk
½C Sprinkles (heaping)

For the Whipped Rainbow Chip Buttercream:
5T AP Flour
1C Milk
1t Vanilla
2 Sticks of Salted Butter
1C Sugar
1C Homemade Rainbow Chips (heaping)

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cream together the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add in the eggs, one at a time, beating to combine.
3. Combine all of the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add half of the dry ingredients, mixing until just combined, and then add in the milk. Once mixed, add in the remaining dry ingredients. Fold in the assorted sprinkles.
4. Pour into cupcake tins and fill 2/3 of the way full. Bake for 18-20 minutes. Let cool completely while you make the Buttercream.
5. For the Whipped Rainbow Chip Buttercream: In a small saucepan, whisk flour into milk and heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. You want it to be very thick, thicker than cake mix, more like a brownie mix is. Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature. (If I’m in a hurry, I place the saucepan over ice in the sink for about 10 minutes or so until the mixture cools.) It must be completely cool before you use it in the next step. Stir in vanilla. While the mixture is cooling, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. You don’t want any sugar graininess left. Then add the completely cooled milk/flour/vanilla mixture and beat the living daylights out of it. If it looks separated, you haven’t beaten it enough! Beat it until it all combines and resembles whipped cream. Beat in the homemade rainbow chips until incorporated throughout.
6. Using a large ice cream scooper, scoop a large ball of Buttercream on top of each cupcake. Using a knife, smooth the edges of the frosting. Garnish with sprinkles or more rainbow chips.


  1. YUM! Love that frosting recipe. Happy Birthday!

  2. I know this frosting is quickly becoming one of my favorites, it's just so unique in taste & texture. I really want to try it with red velvet cake, so that's my next project! Thanks for the birthday wishes :)


  3. Ooohh, psychedelic! You made #1 this week! Congrats!

  4. A whole lotta fun in a cupcake! WOW!

  5. That's so exciting!! Thanks Lisa! And yes Debra, it is a WHOLE lotta fun. Perfect for birthdays :) And by the way, the icing is too die far, yum-o!


  6. with the frosting is it supposed to be powdered sugar?

    1. No it is actually granulated sugar! Surprisingly, I know. But it means this melt-in-your-mouth whipped cream type frosting. Everyone I know loves it, so just give it a chance and I think you'd like it too :)


  7. How do you make or get homemade rainbow chip frosting that you add to the frosting?

    1. Please refer to the recipe below for the homemade rainbow chips!!
