
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Leftovers Tartine with French Toasted Dressing Cake, Roasted Turkey Soaked in Gravy, Brussel Sprouts Hash, Boozy Cranberry Sauce, & Crumbled Goat Cheese

Thanksgiving Leftovers Tartine with French Toasted Dressing Cake, Roasted Turkey
Soaked in Gravy, Brussel Sprouts Hash, Boozy Cranberry Sauce, & Crumbled Goat Cheese
I'm back with a bang y'all, I promise... I swear... Cross my heart and hope to die, yada yada yada. I decided to take a mini-break since I haven't been feeling well (and I'm still not unfortunately). And because I don't feel well, I barely eat... literally. So, I haven't been cooking, which means I have nothing to post, it's absolutely depressing. But Thanksgiving has come & gone, and I finally will be able to share some of my goodies with you :) I actually pulled off a full Thanksgiving on my own this year, with the help of Peej of course, but I practically had a hand in each and every dish. Some of the recipes I plan on posting are my "Bread Pudding" Dressing with Cornbread, Sausage, & Apples, Silky Pumpkin Pie with Toasted Marshmallow Meringue, Crack Pie, and maybe a Crème Bruleed Buttermilk Pie (if I can find a slice, it might be all gobbled up by now). I will tell y'all that I am obsessed with my recipe for my Bread Pudding-Dressing. Like a in love with it-wanna marry it-kinda way. It has chunks of cornbread, French bread, and Italian bread, which is studded with spicy sausage, sauteed vegetables, and apples, then it is soaked in a batter of eggs, heavy cream, milk, and chicken stock. The dressing gets perfectly crispy and toasted on top, but still remains amazingly moist down below. We had little leftover, so I just knew it would be amazing in a french toast adaption, and that's exactly how my "Thanksgiving Leftover Tartine" was born. A tartine is a french, open-faced sandwich, so I knew it would the perfect dish. The next day, I cut the cold bread pudding-dressing into squares, and then dipped them in a grated parmesan-chive batter and fried them up until they were golden brown & crispy. I topped 'em with some warm gravy-soaked turkey, a brussel sprouts hash, crumbled goat cheese, and a drizzle of boozy cranberry sauce. I know, your mouths should be watering by now, and so is mine. I'm hopin' I still have enough leftovers that I can make another one of these bad boys tomorrow. Oh, I realize that y'all won't have access to my dressing recipe, but I promise it'll be the first thing I put up this week!! Enjoy :)
All the yummy layers...
Y'all see that crispy dressing cake, don't ya?? 
Beautiful Brussel Sprouts Hash
For the French Toasted Dressing Cake:
3 Eggs
¾C Heavy Cream
½t Salt & Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
¼C Fresh Chives, Minced
¼C Parmesan, Freshly Grated
4 Squares of Thanksgiving “Bread Pudding” Dressing

For the Brussel Sprout Hash:
15 Brussel Sprouts, Shaved Thinly
4 Slices of Thick Applewood Smoked Bacon, Cut into Small Cubes
¼C Sweet Onion, Finely Diced
2 Cloves of Garlic, Minced
¼C Apple Cider Vinegar
2-3T Maple Syrup
1T Grainy Mustard
Salt & Pepper, To Taste

For the Thanksgiving Leftovers Tartine:
Prepared French Toast Batter
4 Squares of Thanksgiving “Bread Pudding” Dressing
Unsalted Butter or Vegetable Oil, For Frying
4 Servings of Pulled Turkey Meat Tossed in Gravy
Warmed Brussel Sprouts Hash
Leftover Cranberry Sauce, Warmed & Thinned Out with a Splash of Bourbon
Crumbled Goat Cheese, For Garnishing

1. For the French Toasted Dressing Cake: Make the batter for the French toast by whisking together the eggs, heavy cream, salt, pepper, and chives. Dip the squares of Thanksgiving “Bread Pudding” Dressing into the batter, making sure they are completely coated. Soak the slices for 1-2 minutes (the dressing should still be quite moist, so it won’t take long), making sure to flip the squares over so that all sides have been thoroughly coated. Melt some butter or oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Once the butter sizzles, add the soaked bread slices and cook until golden brown & crispy, about 3-5 minutes on each side, flipping once. Transfer the cooked pieces of bread to a baking sheet and keep them warm in the oven until ready to serve.
2. For the Brussel Sprouts Hash: In a medium sauté pan, over medium-high heat, fry the small cubes of bacon, along with a bunch of fresh cracked pepper, until crispy. Strain the bacon into a small bowl. Reduce the heat to medium-low heat and add the minced onions and garlic, cook for 5 minutes or until they have softened and begun to caramelize slightly. Once they have cooked through, add in the apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, and grainy mustard. Whisk to combine. Let this reduce for just a minute or so and then add in the crispy bacon. Bring the heat back up to medium-high and toss in the shredded brussel sprouts. Sauté the sprouts, tossing to coat them in the reduction, bacon, and sautéed vegetables. Only cook them a couple minutes, you want them to soften slightly, but still retain an al dente texture. Immediately spoon the hash on top of your assembled tartine stacks.
3. Assembling the Tartines: Place a crispy dressing cake onto a serving plate. Top the cake with warmed gravy-soaked turkey, a large spoonful of brussel sprouts hash, and a generous drizzling of your boozy cranberry sauce. Garnish the top with some crumbled goat cheese. Enjoy immediately!


  1. Next year we plan on having a post Thanksgiving party for all our friends that we don't see on the holiday. We want to host it potluck style, and ask people to bring their creative lefover recipes, with a written recipe card for the dish. We will also set up a voting station for guests to vote their favorite, with a fun prize for the winner. We just needed another day to celebrate! I think this would be great! I won't be able to wait till then to try this though, my salivary glands are in over drive right now, heck of a thing is we have no leftovers, I'll have to start from scratch. That will be fine though, since I didn't eat my dinner, like you can't eat much, mostly crackers or a piece of toast sometimes. I wish you well, and keep your health in my prayers. Miss B

    1. I swear I'm so jealous of you and your friends! I love that you have all of these ideas for food-related parties. I'm actually planning on starting the tradition of "Friendsgiving" because I always want to spend a good meal with my closest friends. It just sounds like a blast, and I definitely like your idea of a "leftover party"!! And speaking of leftovers, this was a hit! We ended up eating it for dinner, but I couldn't help but think that this would be an AWESOME brunch dish... maybe add a beautiful fried or poached egg, a sage or cranberry flavored hollandaise sauce, and make a couple slices of crispy bacon :) It would be a winner in my book for sure! I promise that my "bread pudding-dressing" will be put up soon, and it's totally worth the effort. It is already guaranteed to be on our Christmas Day meal this month! Thank you for the prayers, and the never-ending support and appreciation by posting about my recipes. Happy Holidays :)

