
Friday, March 1, 2013

"Peanuts in my Coke" Floats with Salty Peanut Butter Ice Cream

"Peanuts in my Coke" Floats with Salty Peanut Butter Ice Cream
When I was a little girl, growing up in Atlanta, every year I looked forward to going to the Braves games with my family. At the time, we had season tickets and it was always the best part of the week when I got to invite a friend and we spent the night cheerin' for the home team while munching on ballpark food classics like funnel cakes, hot dogs, & nachos. But surprisingly enough, my favorite treat came before the game. And that was when we would pick up hot boiled peanuts from local vendors while making the trek to the ballgame gates. Not only did they sell boiled peanuts, but bags of Cracker Jack, salted peanuts, and ice cold Coca Cola's. And then, I discovered the most delicious treat that will ever-remind me of the good ole' days. Growing up in the deep South, my father shared with me one of his favorite treats... dropping in salted peanuts into a coke bottle. Now this might sound just so odd to you, but it really is a Southern delicacy. The peanuts added this wonderful saltiness to the overly sweet soda, and it made the most delightful popping and sizzling noise that would cheer up any kid. Now looking back on it, it makes perfect sense because now I crave those salty + sweet desserts I constantly create. So, for a while now, I was racking my mind for a dessert that could bring back those wonderful summer memories. Well why not make a coke float? I've been on such an ice cream float kick lately! I don't know what's wrong with me honestly. Maybe it's because they are just that good. So, I made an uber creamy peanut butter ice cream, with just the slightest hint of salt. Well, the rest of the work is just up to y'all... just scoop some of the ice cream into a tall cup, pour over some coke, and watch it bubble up to the top. I garnished mine with some honey roasted peanuts for a little crunch, and it was absolutely perfect! Oh and by the way, did y'all know it is National Peanut Butter Day? What a perfect treat to celebrate a day of Peanut Butter!! Enjoy :)
The Coke has been poured over the top...
And the bubbling has begun...
Top with some honey roasted nuts to garnish...
And there's the luscious Salty Peanut Butter Ice Cream that seals the deal!

For the Salty Peanut Butter Ice Cream:
2 ½C Heavy Cream
½C Whole Milk
6 Egg Yolks
1C Sugar
1 Stick Unsalted Butter, Melted & Cooled Slightly
½t Salt
1 ½C Smooth Peanut Butter
1t Vanilla
2T Vanilla Bean Infused Rum (or any kind of infused booze that is clear)
1C Roasted Peanuts, Roughly Chopped
Fleur de Sel, For Garnishing

For the Floats:
Homemade Salty Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Coca Cola, For Pouring
Fleur de Sel, For Garnishing
Whipped Cream, For Topping


1.  For the Homemade Salty Peanut Butter Ice Cream: In a saucepan, bring the cream and milk to a simmer. In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and salt until fluffy. Slowly whisk in the melted butter. Once combined, gradually and slowly into the simmering milk. Pour this mixture back into the saucepan and cook over low heat, until thickened (it should coat the back of a spoon). Remove from the heat and stir in ¾C of the smooth peanut butter. Strain the custard into a bowl that is placed into an ice bath. Stir in the vanilla bean infused rum and vanilla. Cool the custard base until completely chilled. Once the mixture is chilled, freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions, adding 1⁄2 cup of the chopped nuts to the ice cream 30 seconds before it has finished churning. As you remove the ice cream to a freezer-safe container, drop dollops of the melted peanut butter over each layer of ice cream. Once all of the ice cream and peanut butter has been placed in the container, use a butter knife to gently swirl the mixture. Store the ice cream in the freezer. Cover and freeze until hard, about 4 hours.
2. For the Floats: In a tall glass, drop about 2-3 scoops of the salty peanut butter ice cream into the bottom of the caramel drizzled glass. Pour some Coca Cola over the top of the glass very slowly because the mixture will begin to bubble and can expand over the rim of the glass. Garnish the top of the drink with some whipped cream and some of the remaining roasted peanuts. If you’re like me and enjoy a salty dessert, then sprinkle a little more fleur de sel on top of the whipped cream. Enjoy before the ice cream begins to melt too much!

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