
Monday, September 16, 2013

Life As Of Lately... And an exciting announcement!!

Hello all my foodie friends!!
Have y'all missed me? Because I sure have missed this. Bible.
I have been sickly lately, so I haven't been cooking much, BUT
I am back at it. To wet my feet a bit, I am posting my "Life As Of Lately" today.
ON TOP OF THAT... I have an exciting announcement. Drum roll please.
I am revamping + starting a brand-spankin'-new blog.
Yep, you read that right.
This girl right here decided that I wanted to refocus my point of view, 
and move onto bigger + hopefully, better things :)
The new blog will be called "Haute + Heirloom" and will be all about making
Southern Comfort food... well, modern & fancy. 
There will be more details coming, but expect...
yummy recipes, new weekly features, and a RECIPE index
Get pumped!! 
Until then, here's my life... as of lately. 

salted caramel mocha's... mah jam
fall is here... gingerbread proves it.
Cronut's/Doughssant's have hit Atlanta... and The Cake Hag delivered.
homemade yellow hammer hunch punch for the Bama-VT game :)
doggy day care.
oh lawd, thank gawd for burgers like this.
BAMA-VT GAME at the Georgia Dome
Me + the Fiance at the game <3
Yellow Hammer Hunch Punch in a baby seat, that's how we roll
the making of the yellow hammer hunch punch
tailgating dips on a beer pong table 
she's mah soulmate. forevz 
steeping hibiscus flowers for hibiscus tea
honeysuckle's bourbon pecan gelato
more salted caramel mocha action
caramel bacon doughssant's from the cake hag
mini, unwrapped starbursts. mind blown.
thanksgiving gobbler sandwich
mini breakfast sliders for early tailgating food
peej's homemade chicken + quinoa soup with spinach
the best thing to ever happened to someone in the heat of tailgating in the south 
homemade vanilla bean doughnuts
heading to the game... #clASSy
XOXO, Juliana


  1. Yayayay! So excited for you! I just started reading your blog, and I'm OBSESSED. I've probably saved 2/3 of your recipes to try later. Fingers crossed that the new blog offers printable views of the recipes so I can retire the copy+paste buttons ;)

    1. So happy to hear from a new follower... hopefully you'll follow me over to my new blog as well :) There are surely going to be a lot of updates. The biggest request from my followers thus far has been to add a recipe index, so that has been my biggest project, along with adding new features, such as #instragrub (recipes featured from my instagram account), "linky love" which will give shout out to other bloggers and recipes I want to make, restaurant reviews + restaurant inspired, Life As Of Lately, soup sunday's, tailgating thursday's, summer staples, foodie giveaways (like my favorite cookbooks, tools, and fun gifts), and wordless wednesday's... THOSE ARE JUST TO NAME A FEW! The thought of creating printable recipes hadn't even crossed my mind yet, but thank you for the suggestion, and that will surely be my next project! As always, thanks for the support and the comment, I just love to hear from y'all on how to make things bigger + better :) Keep lookin' out for the new site!


  2. I'm sooo excited for you! So is it safe to assume that this blog will retire? Can I still get to these recepies or do I have to start printing them off now to make sure I will have them? You're one tough cookie to start something like this and plan your wedding and everything else you have going on, if I had so much energy:) I do hope you are feeling better, I sure miss it when you're gone you make my day when I open your blog. I'm certain this new one will be as entertaining, and inspiring. You have been such a lifesaver for me when I was recovering from surgery and for all the days I needed a pick-me- up. You truly have a gift to be able to make a person smile, laugh and give them inspiration just through your words and such awesome food. I look forward to your new blog, and wish you the best. As the other person commented, I also am addicted to this site, and cannot wait to see what else you bless us with. Lots of love to you and yours... Miss B

    1. Miss B,

      Since I have bought the use of until January, then blog will be kept as it is now until 2014. But after that I will not renew it and it will eventually get deleted; however, I exported this blog into Haute + Heirloom, so that all recipes, comments, views, etc. will be presented exactly how it is on PLC. That means that you will not have to worry about printing them off because you can access them on there! I think this will also give my old & new followers a chance to transition to the new space. And honestly, ever since I really got into my food blogging, I had been wanting to revamp my name, point of view, etc. so it is a welcomed & exciting change for me! But you're right, along with being sick and planning our wedding, I'm a busy busy girl. Luckily the wedding planning is coming together quite easily and one thing is for sure, the menu is the MOST important part :) It will surely be over the top in that area, haha. Honestly, this blog was just as helpful to me as it was for you. Creating recipes and hearing feedback from y'all is the pick-me-up that I need :) Hopefully, I will not disappoint y'all with my upcoming recipes and features... I'll try my best not too! Keep an eye out for Haute + Heirloom, I can't wait!


  3. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask in my previous comment did you make that glorious looking burger? If so please PLEASE mouth is watering with the sight of it. Also, can you share the recepie for the "punch"? I'm always needing a good "adult" punch for a crowd and that looks yummy-licious! Miss B.

    1. The glorious looking burger is made by moi!! It is actually my Muss + Turner Inspired Burger with Cilantro-Candied Jalapeno Mayo, Roasted Poblanos, Pepper Jack Cheese, & Red Onions on Toasted "Everything" Brioche Buns... you can find the recipe at this link:

      It has been one of my favorite burgers featured on PLC, actually. I'm a sucker for all things spicy and anything using roasted poblanos! As for the Yellow Hammer Hunch Punch, I will be posting a recipe for it hopefully this weekend as a part of my ongoing features of tailgating food. The hunch punch is a recipe near & dear to my heart as it was the most popular drink made while at The University of Alabama :) We drank it at every tailgate and all the bars! It has a shit-ton of alcohol (pretty much a 50% ratio) and flavors of pineapple, orange juice, banana, and grenadine. It's always a hit! So, keep checking back for that recipe as well :) I hope that helps!

