
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Salty Winter White Honey Pie with Himalayan Sea Salt

Salty Winter White Honey Pie with Himalayan Sea Salt
Happy Halloween, y'all!! Is it totally bad on my part that I woke up this morning completely unaware that is was a holiday? Oh well, it's one of the only holidays I've never really cared for, which is completely confusing since it practically screams FOOD. So, while y'all are all out in costumes, begging strangers for food, and getting scared shitless by creepy people... I will be inside, making caramel apples, and drinking with my Mountain Man. I thought this pie would be the perfect thing to post today because, I mean, look at it... it is the utter definition of autumn. You've probably seen this recipe floating around the internet, like I did, I saved it and went along minding my own business until I saw that their cookbook was about to be released and it rejuvenated my need to make it. This pie is somethin'-kinda-special. I believe I love it so much because it is similar in texture to buttermilk pie, which is my one only weakness. You can use any honey that you like, but I was feeling a little nostalgic and decided to use our ABSOLUTE favorite honey from the Savannah Bee Company.
new cookbook famous for their salty honey pie.
one of these jars could be YOURS!
perfect elements of any pie.
so rustic :)
Naturally, the pick had to be their delicious Winter White Honey, which comes around this time of year especially and can be eaten with a spoon. It's thicker than classic honey, is bright winter white in color, and has the slightest taste of cinnamon on the back of your tongue... it's faboosh, lemmetelly'all. I love this honey sooooooo much, that I bought two jars, just so that I could use one, but also give one away to one of my followers!! Yay for #followerfreebies :) All you have to do is post in a comment below BEFORE midnight on Sunday of how you would like to use this fabulous honey in your kitchen. Whether you wanna make this pie, put it in tea, or slather it on a bagel, it don't matter! Just a comment on this blog post and you have been entered into the contest! The winner will be chosen randomly and will be announced on Monday afternoon, so please get on here and so you can share in the joy of Winter White Honey yourself. You have to have this pie because it is sweety-salty-balanced-goodness!! Enjoy :)

himalayan salt topping.

For the Vanilla Bean Pâte Brisée:
3 ¾C AP Flour (plus extra for rolling)
3 Sticks of butter, Cut into ½inch Cubes & Chilled
1 ½t Salt
1T + 1 ½t Sugar
12-18T Ice Water, Very Cold
3 Vanilla Beans, Sliced & Scraped for Beans

For the Salty Winter White Honey Pie:
1 stick of Unsalted Butter, Melted

¾C Granulated Sugar

1T White Cornmeal

½t Salt

1 Vanilla Bean, Split & Scraped for Seeds
¾C Honey

3 Large Eggs, Lightly Beaten

½C Heavy Cream

2t White Vinegar
Honey, For Drizzling
1-2t Himalayan Sea Salt, For Sprinkling

1. To Make the Vanilla Bean Pâte Brisée: Start by cutting the sticks of butter into ½inch cubes and placing in the freezer bag, along with the flour, salt, and sugar. Place the bag of flour into the freezer and chill for at least 1-2 hours. In a food processor, pour the frozen flour bag in, as well as the scraped vanilla beans, and pulse 6-8 times until the mixture resembles a course meal, with pea size pieces of butter. Add water 1T at a time, pulsing until the mixture just begins to clump together. If you pinch of some of the crumbly dough and it holds together then it’s ready. Remove the dough from the machine and place on a clean surface. Carefully split the dough into three equal pieces and shape into discs (save the other two rounds of pie dough in plastic wrap and freeze them for a rainy day). Do not over knead the dough. You should still be able to see little bits of butter in the dough. Sprinkle the discs with a little flour on all sides and wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least an hour. Remove one of the discs from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle some flour on top of the disk. Roll out with a rolling pin on a lightly floured surface to a 12inch circle (1/8inch thick). Place the rolled out disc on to a pie dish, lining up the fold with the center of the pan, trimming the excess and topping the pie crust with some autumn leaf pie crust pieces. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 30 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
3. For the Salty Winter White Honey Pie: In a medium bowl, stir the melted butter, sugar, cornmeal, salt, and vanilla beans. Stir in the honey and the eggs one at a time, followed by the heavy cream and vinegar. Remove the pie shell from the refrigerator or freezer, place on a rimmed baking sheet, and strain the filling through a fine-mesh sieve directly into the pie shell (or strain it into a separate bowl and then pour it into the shell).
4. Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 45-50 minutes, rotating 180 degrees when the edges start to set, 30-35 minutes through baking.
5. Finishing the Pie: It is finished when the edges are set and puffed up high and the center is no longer liquid but looks set like gelatin and is golden brown on top. Allow it to cool completely on a wire rack, 2-3 hours. Drizzle the top lightly with some honey, and then sprinkle the Himalayan Sea Salt all over the surface of the pie.


  1. I want to have this winter white honey in my kitchen!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you. himalayan salt
