
Friday, March 9, 2012

Beer Battered Fried Oreos

I meant to post these bad boys a longgggg time ago, and I just forgot about it. Anyway, what's better than something that is coated in a thick beer batter, and then deep fried until golden brown & crispy? Nothin'. Add Oreo cookies, and you've got a winning recipe, people. When Oreos are fried, they almost taste like a gooey brownie, and it's amazing. I served our fried Oreos with a homemade creme anglaise & raspberry sauce for dipping, and it was even better. I know it sounds kinda crazy to serve something so redneck (and I mean that only in the a good way), like fried Oreos, with a fancy schmancy sauce, like creme anglaise, but it somehow makes so much sense. Anyway, I think everyone should go whip up some of these at your next party because I know that everyone will love them!! Enjoy :)
The most delicious bite...
Always dust with powdered sugar :) 
Beer Battered Fried Oreos
For the Beer Battered Fried Oreos:
1C Cake Flour
1t Sugar
¼t Cinnamon
Pinch of Salt
1 Large Egg, Lightly Beaten
¾C Beer
Double Stuffed Oreos
Peanut Oil, For Frying
Confectioners’ Sugar, For Dusting
Your Favorite Dipping Sauces (I made a Creme Anglaise & Raspberry Sauce)

1. Whisk together the flour, sugar, and seasonings. Add the egg and beer, whisking until completely mixed. Set it aside for 30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, heat your canola oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees.
3. Once the oil is hot, submerge the Oreos into the beer batter. Drop them one by one into the hot oil (do not over-crowd). Cook until golden brown and crispy, about 2-3 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel lined plate and let them drain slightly.
4. Dust with powdered sugar and serve with your chocolate sauce, crème Anglaise, or raspberry sauce for dipping. 


  1. Okay this is the strangest and most exciting invention ever in my books...and I'm sooooooo going to try this out! My kids and hubby .... will no doubt crown me the coolest mom ever....and if they don't I'll take it up with you later!

    Thanks for sharing...I'm going to print your recipe out right now.

    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  2. If you've never had a fried Oreo, then you're really missin' out. They are delicious! Obviously, not something you should enjoy all the time, but amazing. They really do taste like an ooey gooey brownie in the center. Yum-o! Thanks for the love! I hope the recipe works out for you :)


  3. Oh stop right there! Those look insanely delish! I wish I were brave like you, but I'm frightened of the deep fryer. It's so scary to me! Maybe I can work up the nerve to try it again with this as inspiration! Cute blog! Thanks for inviting me over. :) I'm following you now.

  4. Oh my gosh. They look heavenly!!!!
