
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shaved Brussel Sprout Slaw with Dried Cranberries, Candied Walnuts, & Maple-Dijon Vinaigrette

This was the side dish that went with our Pesto Chicken Salad BLT Sandwiches. And lemme tell you it was perfect. One of my favorite sides I've ever made. But we all know about my obsession with brussel sprouts. Well, this slaw used shaved brussel sprouts instead of cabbage, and I know that might sound weird, but trust me, it ain't. And then you throw in some dried cranberries, candied walnuts, freshly grated parmesan, and my go-to dressing of Maple-Dijon Vinaigrette. It's just amazing. The combination of tart, sweet, nutty, and mustard perfectly blend together. We inhaled this entire batch of slaw, and it probably could've fed 4 people. Anyway, this will be perfect in the springtime or summertime, so go make it!! Enjoy :)

Shaved Brussel Sprout Slaw with Dried Cranberries, Candied Walnuts, & Maple-Dijon Vinaigrette
For the Maple-Dijon Vinaigrette:
1T Olive Oil
1T Apple Cider Vinegar
2T Pure Maple Syrup
1t Dijon Mustard
1T Grainy Mustard
1t Fresh Garlic, Minced
Salt & Pepper To Tasted

For the Candied Walnuts:
¾C Walnuts, Roughly Chopped
¼C Sugar
Pinch of Salt, Cinnamon, & Cayenne

For the Shaved Salad:
15 Brussel Sprouts, Shaved Thinly
4oz Parmesan Cheese, Freshly Grated
Candied Walnuts
Prepared Maple Dijon Vinaigrette
½C Dried Cranberries
Salt & Pepper, To Taste

1. To Make the Maple-Dijon Vinaigrette: In a mixing bowl, whisk together all of the ingredients until combined. Season it with salt & pepper to taste. Refrigerate the dressing aside until ready to toss the salad.
2. To Candy the Walnuts: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and spread the walnuts on a baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes until just toasted. Remove from the oven and let it cool. Meanwhile, pour the sugar into a medium saucepan and cook on medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon while the sugar melts. Keep stirring until the color turns a medium amber color. Once that color is reached, add in the walnuts to the pan and quickly stir to coat. As soon as they are coated, spread them onto a baking sheet and sprinkle with the salt, cinnamon, and cayenne. Let them cool completely before adding them to the salad.
3. To Make the Salad: Shred or shave the brussel sprouts in a food processor, using a mandolin, or slicing thinly with a knife (making sure it roughly resembles a slaw). Place the shaved brussel sprouts in a mixing bowl and top with the candied walnuts, grated Parmesan, and dried cranberries. Pour the prepared Maple-Dijon Vinaigrette over the brussel sprouts and lightly toss until completely covered. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Serve immediately.


  1. Revelatory! Made this salad on the weekend to have with roast chicken cause I knew my visiting friend liked brussel sprouts (and so do I). Was a total hit.

    I actually came across this recipe as I'd seen another brussel slaw recipe and thought it was a joke so was doing some checking. I ended up making both dressings as a test (the other one was more lemony, garlic) but yours won hands down. The maple syrup just makes it so yummy. Thanks for sharing.

    1. So glad to hear that! This really is our go-to side dish for a lot of meals, especially picnics! We love how it still remains crunchy, but soaks up the vinaigrette as well to soften slightly. I am also partial to the sweetness of the maple syrup, but then again I like things a bit of the sweeter side :) I'm so happy to hear it was a "total hit", and I hope other recipes work for you as well!

